Anna Hiltensberger
Anna Hiltensberger
Was zeichnet mich aus?
My interest has always been in the development world and working within a not-for-profit on the global stage provides me with an amazing opportunity to both expand my mind and help other people with their potential and to have a considerable impact on the world to help make it a better place for everyone. As partner and trainer my role is to develop good working relationships with industry leaders and governmental figures providing solutions with all stakeholders to global issues such as unemployment, poverty, inequality and equal opportunity.
Meine Spezialgebiete
Großunternehmen, Privatpersonen, Führungskräfte , Angestellte, Unternehmen
Kündigung / Outplacement, Kreativität, Onboarding, Selbstorganisation, Mitarbeiterführung / Autorität
There are no limits, only the ones you put on your own life.
Kern Frost
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