Assima Deutschland AG
SAP-Partner Port, Altrottstraße 31
D-69190 Walldorf
T: +49 (0) 6227 30 991-10
F: +49 (0) 6227 30 991-99,
Vorstandsvorsitzender: Markus Ludwig | Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Ursula Nonninger | Sitz der Gesellschaft: Walldorf
Eingetragen bei AG Mannheim unter HRB 711580 | Umsatzsteuer-ID: DE 274218644

Verantwortlicher Assima Kontakt:
Christian Rust, Sales
+49 162 29599 65

VAT ID Number:
DE 274 218 644

About Assima
Assima is a leading provider of performance improvement solutions designed to help companies to increase their employee‘s performance, to prepare them perfectly for their new tasks and to accompany them wisely in case of change processes.

The German Assima company was newly formed by a Management-Buy-Out. Assima Deutschland AG had taken over the business of RWD in Germany on 01 November 2010.

As RWD and Assima we had built up a strong reputation as provider of efficient consultancy and training over the last twenty years. Our customers still profit from the enormous expert knowledge, the global industry understanding and the experiences made in world-wide projects. In addition we offer the flexibility and customer focus of a national company, now.

Clients served as RWD/Assima: Airbus, BAE Systems, BASF, BAT, BMW, Bosch, BP, Boeing, Bombardier, BA, Chevron, Daimler, Deutsche Bahn, Dow Chemical, Johnson & Johnson, Ford, Gates, G4S, Irish Rail, Kelloggs, Munich Re, Nilfisk, Openwave, PepsiCo, Rockwell, Serco, Sauer Danfoss, Shell, Siemens, Software AG, Tyco, Vodafone, VW, Westinghouse, and many others