Niels Malotaux
Niels Malotaux
Niels Malotaux

Niels Malotaux

Niels Malotaux

Coaching teams to deliver the right things at the right time: Quality on Time , N R Malotaux - Consultancy
Business Coaching, Selbst- und Zeitmanagement, Change Management
European Union, world

Was zeichnet mich aus?

Project Coach: optimizing development management and teams based on a very pragmatic approach. Taught and coached, since 2001, well over 400 projects/teams in 40+ organizations in the Netherlands, Belgium, China, Germany, Ireland, India, Israel, Japan, Poland, Romania, Serbia, South Africa, the UK and the US, which led to a wealth of experience in which approaches work better and which work less well in practice. Within a few weeks, projects coached start delivering better results in typically 30% less time by focusing on business results and optimizing teamwork. That's only the beginning.

Meine Spezialgebiete


Teams, Management, Projektmanager, Projektleiter, Entwicklung


Software, R&D, Entwicklung, Design, Elektronik


Deadlines, Zeitlich, Projekte, Spannungen im Team, Resultate

'Quality on Time': Coahing projects and organizations to deliver the right results at the right time

Besuch mich auch auf meiner Website:


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