Sophie Friedrich
Sophie Friedrich
Was zeichnet mich aus?
Coaching is like playing the violin or dancing on stage: everyone can try it and practice it in one or the other way but to true make an impact and motivate and encourage others to be part of this journey, you have to love it, be comfortable and live your passion throughout the performance. You need to have it in your blood to be able to improvise, to navigate through unexpected situations and to appear as everything is under control, professional and easy to manage. I have this because I got this feedback from my audience, either on stage or in my coaching sessions. Ready for the journey?
Meine Spezialgebiete
Gründer, Unternehmen, Berufseinsteiger, Privatpersonen, Freiberufler und Selbständige
Personaldienstleistungen, Medien und Verlage, Beratung und Consulting, Marketing, PR und Design
Stress, Achtsamkeit, Selbstorganisation, Hochsensibilität, Existenzgründung / Selbstständigkeit
LEAP, and the net will appear.
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