Mag. Anney Roy
Mag. Anney Roy
Mag. Anney Roy

Mag. Anney Roy

Mag. Anney Roy

Trauma Specialist, WHJ ONLINE Therapy Centre
Gesundheitscoaching, Change Management, Work-Life-Balance
Persönlichkeitstraining, Kommunikationstraining, Achtsamkeitstraining
Online; Germany; Switzerland; Austria; Europe; Australia; Middle East

Was zeichnet mich aus?

I am an Indian but English speaking therapist. Currently, I am working on a PhD in Medical Psychology at Charles University. I am a portal via which you will find yourself and your power. I don't just talk to you but also ask your inner child what they need. Come for a FREE SESSION and discover your feelings with me. Find out HOW I will challenge your percepts so you can strengthen your gut. This works best for rigid thoughts causing anxiety, depression, stress, trauma & drama. I can also help with internal disorientation/dissociation, or between spouses, parent-child, friends and colleagues.

Meine Spezialgebiete


Angestellte, Berufseinsteiger, Paare und Familien, Schüler, Studenten und Auszubildende, Privatpersonen


Gesundheit und Soziales, Telekommunikation, Personaldienstleistungen, Beratung und Consulting, Erziehung, Bildung und Wissenschaft


Selbstbewusstsein, Beziehungsprobleme, Konflikt, Burnout, Trauer

"A form of megalomania in which the individual experiences delusions of grandeur and identifies with qualities associated with God."

Jehovah Complex or God Complex

Besuch mich auch auf meiner Website:


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Bewertung abgeben
Wendy Louis
Wendy Louis
Wendy Louis
Gesamtbewertung: 5.0
Very empathic.
It seemed very easy to talk to Anney about any topic. She always listened to me carefully and was very empathic towards me. I was able to smoothly converse with her and she always gave attention to minute details. All my sessions with Anney were very helpful for my mental peace.
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Zeitraum: Juli 2020 - August 2020
Schwerpunkt: Sonstige


Gesamtbewertung: 5.0
Therapy with Anney is like talking to a friend. She understands your problems through your perspective and helps you come up with solutions rather than telling you what to do. She has helped me make a career choice recently and I will soon be starting my Masters at the University of Sydney. Anney is very approachable and accommodating. I would definitely recommend her to everyone seeking therapy.
Details ansehen
Zeitraum: Dezember 2020 - Januar 2022
Schwerpunkt: Life-Coaching