Barend Gerretsen
Barend Gerretsen
Barend Gerretsen

Barend Gerretsen

Barend Gerretsen

Businees Coach/Unternehmer/Psychologe, BarendGerretsen.nl & HorseDream Nederland
Teamentwicklung, Business Coaching, Führungskräfte-Coaching
Region Arnhem-Bocholt-NRW

Ausbildung & Berufserfahrung

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DiSG-Persönlichkeitsprofil, Stärkenanalyse, HorseDream, Appreciative Inquiry, Horse Assisted Education


Per Skype-Videokonferenz, Outdoor-Coaching, Telefonisch, Beim Kunden vor Ort, In meinen eigenen Coaching-Räumen

Coach, Trainer, Entrepreneur

Barend Gerretsen is an entrepreneur, psychologist, coach and trainer. Here, he has focused on working with horses. In the last 15 years he was a partner of different training organizations, with focus on team- and organisation development. In his today's enterprise Zeyn the focus is on leadership development. Barend is experienced in developing training programs, in training groups and in individual coaching. He specialized in the training with horses as a mirror of the human 'personality'. Barend a Licensed HorseDream Partner and provides train the trainer seminars in the Netherlands.