Bernd Wenske
Bernd Wenske
Bernd Wenske

Bernd Wenske

Bernd Wenske

Jobmotivator: CareerCoachings and JobCoachings for international specialists , Bernd Wenske
Interkulturelles Coaching, Karriere/ Skills-Coaching, Kommunikations-Coaching
Bewerbungstraining, Kommunikationstraining, Führungskräftetraining
Ich arbeite in D,A,CH dort, wo ich gebraucht werde - gerne virtuell online

Zertifikate & Auszeichnungen

Zertifizierter Business Coach
Mai 2011
Zertifizierter Trainer
Dezember 2010
Siegel "Qualität · Transparenz · Integrität"
FWW Forum Werteorientierung in der Weiterbildung e.V.
April 2012

Ausbildung & Berufserfahrung

Meinen beruflichen Werdegang findest Du auf meinem XING-Profil.


Trainertreffen Deutschland e.V.
seit April 2011
GSA German Speakers Association
seit Oktober 2018


Lebenserfahrung, Storytelling, Gespräche, NLP, E-Coaching


Workshop, Vortrag, Seminar, Per Skype-Videokonferenz, In meinen eigenen Coaching-Räumen

Qualität durch Biografie

For about 12 years, I have been an active part of acquiring German companies looking for qualified specialists. During this time, I was able to experience how the majority of the more than 500 international candidates, whose processes I was able to support and support, "arrived" in Germany. In an activity subject to social security contributions, on-site or remotely, or as a freelancer or self-employed. For me, it's always about the right, long-term stable connections between the company and the (new) employees. Trust creates stability. And that's in detail what I want to achieve for my customers, both job seekers and medium-sized companies. Years ago, colourful life and career led me to support people in companies in a professional context successfully. However, only those who make their own experiences and find their way out of crises can initiate and promote practical solutions. It takes a good deal of experience to provide impulses and ideas for a changed way of thinking.