Birgit Eckart
Birgit Eckart
Birgit Eckart

Birgit Eckart

Birgit Eckart

Neuro Agile Coach, Change Manager, Live Online Trainer
Change Management, Work-Life-Balance, Karriere/ Skills-Coaching
Persönlichkeitstraining, Soft Skills Training, Lerntechniken
München bzw. virtuell

Was zeichnet mich aus?

Ich liebe es mit Menschen zu arbeiten und sie dabei zu unterstützen ihre Potenziale auszuschöpfen, zu wachsen und positive Veränderungen in ihrem Leben zu erreichen. Coaching ist für mich gerade in der heutigen Zeit essentiell und das persönliche, emphatische Gespräch ist nicht durch Maschinen zu ersetzen. Mein Ziel als Coach ist die Zufriedenheit meiner Kunden und eine resiliente, emphatische und gesunde Gesellschaft.

Meine Spezialgebiete


Privatpersonen, Angestellte, Freiberufler und Selbständige, Führungskräfte , Schüler, Studenten und Auszubildende


Bald findest Du hier die Branchen, auf die sich dieser Coach bzw. Trainer spezialisiert hat.


Stress, Neuanfang, Selbstorganisation, Selbstbewusstsein, Weiterbildung

Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life.

Steve Jobs

Die neuesten Bewertungen für Birgit Eckart

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Bewertung abgeben
Margit Woehrl
Margit Woehrl
Margit Woehrl
Margit Woehrl

Senior Advisor Treasury OperationsFinanzdienstleistungen

Gesamtbewertung: 5.0
Ms Eckart is in the right place!
I had 3 coaching sessions with Ms. Eckart (Feb 21 - June 21) and EVERY one opened up new perspectives for me. Ms. Eckart was able to empathise very quickly and emphatically with the issues I described, so that little time was lost with long explanations - even though she is certainly open to them. But I had the feeling that she knew instantaneouslyin what I was getting at. After each lesson, she gave me very helpful suggestions that I could continue to work with and also apply practically. I was pleasantly surprised that Ms. Eckart was very flexible with me since I started with a completely different topic than I finished with - and the topic I was ultimately dealing with was not a common one. However, I felt very well looked after by Ms Eckart and had no fear of being misunderstood or not taken seriously. Ms. Eckart has a large and well-founded catalogue of methods that enables the coachee to deal openly with him/herself and his/her environment and to think "outside the box". Thanks!
Details ansehen
Zeitraum: Februar 2021 - Juni 2021
Trainingsthema: Persönlichkeitstraining

Gesamtbewertung: 4.8
Bin absulut Happy mit meiner Wahl
Ich bin absolut froh, Birgit gefunden zu haben. Sie geht sehr offen und einfühlsam und vor allem auch absolut unerschrocken an absolut jedes Thema heran. Konnte mich selten bei jemand so gut öffnen. Zielerreichung nur nicht volle Punktzahl, weil ich mit MIR noch nicht ganz zufrieden bin.
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Zeitraum: Mai 2021 - August 2021
Trainingsthema: Persönlichkeitstraining
Vaishnavi Reddy
Vaishnavi Reddy
Vaishnavi Reddy
Gesamtbewertung: 5.0
I had 3 training sessions with Birgit over a course of 2 months, and these sessions (done in English per my request) were very insightful but also practical so I could take away things to do and set myself small goals. Thank you, Birgit!
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Zeitraum: Februar 2021 - April 2021
Trainingsthema: Gedächtnistraining
Britten Stark
Britten Stark
Britten Stark
Britten Stark

Business Performance ControllerSonstige Branchen

Gesamtbewertung: 5.0
Fantastic Coach!
I am most grateful for Birgit's insights into topics I had not previously considered. While my initial objective was simply to clarify my career direction, I learned so much more than I hoped for. Birgit's approach to inspiring confidence and confident behavior in challenging situations helped me through a period of immense professional transition. My newfound understanding of differing approaches to communication in the workplace, driven by different genders and cultural backgrounds, has improved my ability to effectively tailor my style for the audience. Birgit helped me realize there is so much about interacting with colleagues than just work, and I am now much more aware of how I communicate with others. I recommend Birgit for anyone looking to redefine their career in diverse workplace.
Details ansehen
Zeitraum: Oktober 2020 - Dezember 2020
Trainingsthema: Personal Training