Borre Antonsen | Unique + together = better
Borre Antonsen | Unique + together = better
Borre Antonsen | Unique + together = better

Borre Antonsen | Unique + together = better

Borre Antonsen | Unique + together = better

Appletree Innovationcy, Business, team and individual development - work better together
Business Coaching

Ausbildung & Berufserfahrung

Mphil innovation
Universitat Tromsø
Januar 1996 - April 2002

Meinen beruflichen Werdegang findest Du auf meinem XING-Profil.


Transformative lern, Fragetechniken, Reflexionsanregungen


Outdoor-Coaching, In angemieteten Räumen, Beim Kunden vor Ort, In meinen eigenen Coaching-Räumen, Einzelcoaching


First 45 minuters are free - test me. Have a coffe and see - you and me is positive development. All humans need positive development. I have three tools for that. 1. The development wheel - 8 principle for creative development and innovation. 2. The innovation culture platform. 3. The system for creative development and innovation (SCI) Transformative learning is based on the foundation of you. Who are you? How do you think? How do you work? How do you develop? I can help you become a better individual / a better team-member / a better leader / a better employee. Test me - the first 45 minutes is for free.