Christian Brand
Christian Brand
Christian Brand

Christian Brand

Christian Brand

Automotive Journalist, Journalist und Autor
Functional Training
London, United Kingdom

Was zeichnet mich aus?

Christian Brand is a passionate automotive journalist with a penchant for all things related to vehicles and transportation. Hailing from England, Christian's love for cars and his innate curiosity led him to pursue a career as an automotive journalist. Having studied at the prestigious Oxford University, Christian acquired a solid educational foundation to support his ventures into the automotive industry. Armed with his academic knowledge and a keen eye for detail, he embarked on a journey that allowed him to immerse himself in the world of automobiles.

Meine Spezialgebiete


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Bald findest Du hier die Anlässe, auf die sich dieser Coach bzw. Trainer spezialisiert hat.

"What we drive says a lot about who we are"

Christian Brand

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