Dr. Christian Mahr
Dr. Christian Mahr
Dr. Christian Mahr

Dr. Christian Mahr

Dr. Christian Mahr

Founder and Owner, Executive Coach, Qadcon - Advancing Quality
Change Management, Teamentwicklung, Führungskräfte-Coaching
Functional Training
Germany, Europe

Ausbildung & Berufserfahrung

Meinen beruflichen Werdegang findest Du auf meinem XING-Profil.


Gespräche, Stärkenanalyse, Reflexion, Gestaltarbeit, Storytelling


Einzelcoaching, Beim Kunden vor Ort, Per Skype-Videokonferenz, Telefonisch, Workshop

Client focussed, integrated coaching

My coaching work focusses on the client, and enables the coachee, through conversation, to articulate his goal, become more self-ware, discover opportunities, identify his own solutions and commit to achieve his goals. My role as a coach is focussed on listening and questioning, while the client remains fully responsible for the content oft the conversation.