Dr. Eleftheria Egel
Dr. Eleftheria Egel
Was zeichnet mich aus?
I started my professional life as an entrepreneur. Then, I I moved to the corporate world: brokerage, insurance. After my PhD in spiritual leadership and my dual role as teacher and researcher, I have moved back to business and set up my company on coaching, mentoring and consulting with a focus on women's entrepreneurship. I can help entrepreneurs with my personal business experience. With my academic knowledge and management consulting work experience, I can also provide them with tools. The activities I am most interested in is leadership development and strategy development.
Meine Spezialgebiete
Gründer, Freiberufler und Selbständige, Führungskräfte
Personaldienstleistungen, Erziehung, Bildung und Wissenschaft, Beratung und Consulting
Existenzgründung / Selbstständigkeit, Weiterbildung, Motivation
“Chase the vision, not the money; the money will end up following you.”
Tom Hsieh, CEO of ZAPPOS
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