Jan Wilhelm
Jan Wilhelm
Jan Wilhelm

Jan Wilhelm

Jan Wilhelm

Managing Partner, ELB Holding GmbH

Zertifikate & Auszeichnungen

Ausbildereignungsprüfung gem. AEVO
Handwerkskammer Erfurt
September 2001

Ausbildung & Berufserfahrung

Diplom-Wirtschaftsjurist (FH)
Hochschule Schmalkalden - Wirtschaftsrecht
September 2003 - Januar 2008
Kaufmännische Berufsschule Meiningen
August 1997 - Juni 2000

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E-Coaching, Gespräche, Supervision


Per Skype-Videokonferenz, Outdoor-Coaching, Telefonisch, In angemieteten Räumen, Beim Kunden vor Ort

ELB Group

Our Management team has more than 20 years experiences in the operational field of services. We have managed projects and served to clients with focus in America, Europe, Middle East and Asia. The founder and CEO, Mr. Jan Wilhelm has 20 years of experience as a Project Manager in the Waste and Facility Management industry. Projects include Abu Dhabi Airports including Midfield Terminal, Burj Khalifa in Dubai and many others for various service providers in Europe and Middle East. We gained international experience working for international nonprofit organisations within the last 15 years. Further focus was the Strategy Management and Consultancy for Expansion planning of companies in Europe and Middle East and nonprofit organisations from New York and Dubai. The current focus is on the IT & Office sector plus turn-around, spin-off and expansion of companies, foundations, nonprofit organisations and non-governmental organisations including cross-border management.