Katharina Seidler
Katharina Seidler
Katharina Seidler

Katharina Seidler

Katharina Seidler

Licensed Psychologist and Energy Psychologist, ReSource Yourself!
Life-Coaching, Work-Life-Balance, Systemisches Coaching
Personal Training
worldwide, online service

Ausbildung & Berufserfahrung

Energy Psychologist, Therapist, Coach and Trainer
ReSource Yourself
seit Dezember 2008
Change Management
März 2001 - Dezember 2005
NLP Master
Landsiedel NLP Training
EFT Practitioner
Gary Craig Official EFT™ Training Centers

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NLP, systemisches Coaching, Meditation, E-Coaching, MentalCoaching


Einzelcoaching, Per Skype-Videokonferenz, Workshop

Although I’m a classically trained psychologist, my journey has led me to explore many other types of therapy and healing, and my approach is a fusion of many of these. My clients come from all over the world and all walks of life. But whether stars of stage or screen or stay-at-home moms, they all share the same vision. To become the person they truly are, to feel peaceful, empowered and to grow a little more every day. To be better and more fulfilled in their careers, and their relationships; ultimately to get more out of life. ReSource Yourself teaches you how to apply specific Energy Psychology tools to release old baggage, change your mindset and transform your life experience – from the inside out!