Mike Wiedemann
Mike Wiedemann
Mike Wiedemann

Mike Wiedemann

Mike Wiedemann

Executive Coach, Trainer, Managing Partner, msw_Consulting Services
Business Coaching, Change Management, Führungskräfte-Coaching
Führungskräftetraining, Verhandlungstraining, Verkaufstraining
München, Starnberg, Bad-Tölz Wolfratshausen und Oberbayern

Zertifikate & Auszeichnungen

‘Strategic Solution Selling’ (IMD, Lausanne), ‘SPIN-Training’, ‘Complex Sales’, ‘Negotiations’ (Huthwaite International), “The New Strategic Selling” (Miller/Heiman), NLP Master, Communication & Negotiation, ITIL, Executive Performance Coach (M. Gold

Ausbildung & Berufserfahrung

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Certified Management Consultant (ICMCI)


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You're not just a drop in the ocean, you're a whole ocean within a drop ...

In a time of ever faster changes, we're forced to manage the impact of these changes within our life and our personality practically everyday. It's important to understand that not changing doesn't mean to stand still, but it means to fall back ... Always remember: 'What brought you here, won't bring you there'. It's about time to mobilize all your partly hidden capabilities and qualities and to rise over your old self, every day. It's time to step into the light and be a leader!