Pascal Schmidt
Pascal Schmidt
Was zeichnet mich aus?
Coaching I work for you on your goals and help you to define better, define and find them. I help you with your decisions and your personal development in conversation and preparation. I am your conversation partner for a constructively critical and reflective consideration of your choices and thoughts. I accompany you in crisis management, for better negotiation skills, more solid decision-making, and a better result. An appreciative and respectful approach to my clients is essential to me. I develop an individualized plan. Absolute confidentiality is the basis of my service for you.
Meine Spezialgebiete
Führungskräfte , Gründer, Unternehmen
Medien und Verlage, Internet und Informationstechnologie, Konsumgüter und Handel, Marketing, PR und Design, Beratung und Consulting
Mitarbeiterführung / Autorität, Existenzgründung / Selbstständigkeit, Kreativität, Motivation, Erfolg
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