Petra Contrada
Petra Contrada
Petra Contrada

Petra Contrada

Petra Contrada

Success & Fulfillment-Vision-Human Potential -Coach -Mentor -Trainer -Speaker, THRIVE AND WIN in Life & Business - The Contrada Group, INC
Business Coaching, Führungskräfte-Coaching, Work-Life-Balance
Bewusstseinstraining, Führungskräftetraining, Personal Training
Germany - Austria - Swizerland - USA

Ausbildung & Berufserfahrung

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Be The Change With Petra Contrada

I live and breathes to inspire and help empower others on their journey through life. I have the ability to help clients and students discover their uniqueness and activate the potential greatness that lives inside each of them. Authentic professionals and entrepreneurs hire me to make the next chapter of their lives the best ever – personally and professionally.