Dr. Stefanie Rummel
Dr. Stefanie Rummel
Dr. Stefanie Rummel

Dr. Stefanie Rummel

Dr. Stefanie Rummel

Trainerin, Coach, Speaker (EN, D, FR), Soft-Skill-Seminar
Business Coaching, Führungskräfte-Coaching, Kommunikations-Coaching
Kommunikationstraining, Stimmtraining, Führungskräftetraining

Zertifikate & Auszeichnungen

Certified for the Myer Briggs Type Idenficator Testing

Ausbildung & Berufserfahrung

Zertifizierter Executive Coach
European Business School

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Inneres Team, Rollenspiele, MBTI, Transaktionsanalyse, Fragetechniken


Einzelcoaching, Training, Vortrag

Coaching: Lighting up possibilities

With all of this background knowledge, coachings become a very on the individual orientated approach. Through asking deeply questions, looking behind thoughts, listening, seeing, mirroring and reflecting the needs of the individual get clarified and adjusted. Coaching is like taking a torch and looking at the possibilities of the seen and unseen paths of the coachee’s mind to find rewarding solutions. Strengthening the own energies and supporting the own capabilities is the aim.