Mag. Steffi Bärmann
Mag. Steffi Bärmann
Zertifikate & Auszeichnungen
Ausbildung & Berufserfahrung
Meinen beruflichen Werdegang findest Du auf meinem XING-Profil.
Wertschätzung und emotionale Unterstützung des Klienten, ergebnisorientierte Situations- und Selbstreflexionen, effektive Zielklärung, Ressourcenaktivierung, Umsetzungsunterstützung
Per Skype-Videokonferenz, In angemieteten Räumen, Beim Kunden vor Ort, Einzelcoaching, Erlebnis-Workshops
Get the Best out of Yourself
I am a professional Think Coach and my passion is helping You to get the best out of Yourself, your team and your organization. This is still the case, even though I am now working mainly at the University (FHWien der WKW). From 2007 to 2016 I accompanied internationally working executives and team members, as well as internationally working entrepreneurs on the way to their best. As a coach, I use a mix of systemic (constellations), NLP, transactional analysis, logotherapy, as well as helpful techniques from communication, conflict management and change management. My drives are the use of the full potential of the coachee - logic, emotion, subconsciousness - and the saying of Galileo Galileo: "You can not teach a wo*man anything, you can only help her*him find it in her*himself."