Dr. Tim Gudszend
Dr. Tim Gudszend
Dr. Tim Gudszend

Dr. Tim Gudszend

Dr. Tim Gudszend

Business Coach (iPEC/ICF), ELI Master Practitioner & Business Transformation, EMPOWER-ING Coaching, Consulting & Training Services
Business Coaching, Work-Life-Balance, Selbst- und Zeitmanagement
Führungskräftetraining, Resilienztraining, Personal Training
International per Zoom / Whatsapp / Telefon, Präsenz im Grossraum Stuttgart


I have got an opportunity to partner with Tim for over 3 months. Tim has been a great coach who has enabled me to have a different outlook towards my challenges. Tim has helped raising my self-awareness and moving me towards my goals.
Ghazal Bajwa
European HR, Nike