maria duckhouse
maria duckhouse
maria duckhouse

maria duckhouse

maria duckhouse

Success Coach, Mindset & Strategy Ltd

Zertifikate & Auszeichnungen

Certified Life Coach
American Union of NLP
Juli 2017

Ausbildung & Berufserfahrung

NLP Master Practitioner
Excellence Assured ltd
seit Mai 2017

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NLP, Reflection, E-Coaching


Per Skype-Videokonferenz, Telefonisch, In meinen eigenen Coaching-Räumen

Mini About

With a success mindset, you can achieve anything.  As a success coach focusing on mindset & the law of attraction, I don't only help my clients achieve strong mindset, focus, and greater awareness. I also help them zero in on what's so special about them. Because appreciation of oneself grows self-confidence, higher self-esteem. I love helping them finally see the troubling issue using a non-judging & unique perspective, they can fix it faster and finally get the results they desire. So work with me if you are eager & ready to create and live the life that makes your heart sing